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Features in Daysupport

Reasons on why you should enable service level agreement policies in your helpdesk application.

  1. SLA policies enforce the service level agreement in real time that you want to provide to your customer.

  2. SLA policies improve and enforce a culture of quick ticket resolution which ensures customer delight.

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Why do you need multiple sla policies in your helpdesk?

  1. Testing multiple sla policies to choose the right one

  2. Multiple sla policies can be useful if you have multiple projects(aka support channels) in your helpdesk application.

Reasons on why you should enable service level agreement policies in your helpdesk application.

  1. SLA policies enforce the service level agreement in real time that you want to provide to your customer.

  2. SLA policies improve and enforce a culture of quick ticket resolution which ensures customer delight.

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screenshot will come here
Why do you need multiple sla policies in your helpdesk?

  1. Testing multiple sla policies to choose the right one

  2. Multiple sla policies can be useful if you have multiple projects(aka support channels) in your helpdesk application.

Reasons on why you should enable service level agreement policies in your helpdesk application.

  1. SLA policies enforce the service level agreement in real time that you want to provide to your customer.

  2. SLA policies improve and enforce a culture of quick ticket resolution which ensures customer delight.

screenshot will come here

screenshot will come here
Why do you need multiple sla policies in your helpdesk?

  1. Testing multiple sla policies to choose the right one

  2. Multiple sla policies can be useful if you have multiple projects(aka support channels) in your helpdesk application.